“In the Shadow of Cortés: From Veracruz to Mexico City”

A Photographic Exhibition and Events  (March 16-April 17, 2015) www.cal.msu.edu/Cortes

Photographic Exhibition prepared by Kathleen Myers (Professor of Colonial Latin American Literatures, Indiana University) and Steven Raymer (Professor of Photography, Indiana University, and National Geographic).  Look Out! Art Gallery, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities, Michigan State University.

Events include opening talk by Professor K. Myers with comments by Professor Sheila Contreras (Chicano/Latino Studies and English, MSU); round table discussion with professors Amber Brian (U of Iowa), Rocío Cortés (U of Wisconsin, Oshkosh), Kelly McDonough (U of Texas, Austin), Dylan Miner (MSU), Zenaida Moreno (MSU), Laura Smith (MSU), and opening  and closing receptions.

For further information visit: www.cal.msu.edu/Cortes and/or open the following:  Poster Cortes Exhibit and Cortes Exhibit Postcard.

Free and open to the public.

2015 TePaske Seminar – Georgetown U and U of Maryland, College Park

Georgetown University (Bunn Intercultural Center, ICC 450)
Friday, March 20, 2015 – 10:00 AM to Saturday, March 21, 2015 – 4:30 PM

The TePaske Seminar (named in honor of John J. TePaske) is a vibrant and collegial gathering of scholars organized in a workshop-fashion, with 10 pre-circulated papers presented over the course of 2 days. Please direct any questions about the seminar to either Alejandro Cañeque (acaneque@umd.edu) in the Department of History at the University of Maryland or to Joanne Rappaport in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Georgetown University (rappapoj@georgetown.edu).

Friday, March 20th

10:00-11:00  Judith Mansilla (History, Florida International University), “Spanish State-Building and the Rebuilding of Lima after the Quake of 1687: Limeños and their Quest for Legitimizing their Plans of Reconstruction.”
11:00-12:00 Eva Mehl (History, University of North Carolina at Wilmington), “Requests for Deportation: Parents, Youngsters, Wives, and the State in the Banishment of Mexicans to the Philippines, 1765-1811.”

12:00-1:00 lunch

1:00-2:00  Kelly McDonough (Spanish and Portuguese, University of Texas at Austin), “Beyond Nahuas and Spaniards: Indigenous Noble and Commoner Relationships in Colonial Tlaxcala.”
2:00-3:00  Chad McCutcheon (History, Texas Christian University), “Gendered Dualities: Mestizo Identity and Multiethnic Views of Mestizaje in Early Colonial Peru.”

3:00-3:30 coffee break

3:30-4:30  Scot Cave (History, Pennsylvania State University), “‘Madalena, La Lengua!’: An Indian Woman and the Making of the Early Circum-Caribbean.”

Saturday, March 21st
10:00-11:00  James Little-Almeida (History, Florida International University), “Sovereignty, Slavery, and the Sea: Interimperial Conflict in the Sixteenth-Century Slave Trade.”
11:00-12:00  Michelle A. McKinley (Law, University of Oregon), “Freedom at the Font: Baptismal Manumission and Re-Enslavement in Colonial Lima.”

1:00-2:00  José Eduardo Cornelio (Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University), “‘Viva el Inca Católico’: Políticas del afecto, subalternidad y performatividades festivas en el siglo XVIII
2:00-3:00  Alexander Hidalgo (History, Texas Christian University), “The Trail of Footprints: Mapmaking and Authorship in Colonial Oaxaca.”

3:30-4:30  Rocío Quispe-Agnoli (Hispanic Studies, Michigan State University), “Negotiating Nobility of Blood on Paper: Spanish-Inca Coats of Arms, Portraits, and Royal Decrees.”

The organizers would like to thank the following sponsors for their support: The Department of History and the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University, The Department of History at the University of Maryland, College Park.

“In the Shadow of Cortes: From Veracruz to Mexico City” (March 16-April 17, 2015)

In the Shadow of Cortes: From Veracruz to Mexico City

March 16 – April 17, 2015

Look Out! Art Gallery, C200 Snyder Hall (RCAH), 362 Bogue Street, Michigan State University


Michigan State University is pleased to host In the Shadow of Cortés: From Veracruz to Mexico City, designed and prepared by Professor Kathleen Myers (Indiana University) with photographs by Steven Raymer (National Geographic and Indiana University). The images in this exhibit record a journey along Cortés’s route of conquest, and interviews with the people who live in these places today.  This journey reveals much about Mexico’s complex identity and its variety of ways  to understand the legacy of a conquest that took place nearly 500 years ago.

We invite faculty, students, and general public to visit the photographic exhibit held at the Look Out! Art Gallery, Residential College of Arts and Humanities, between March 16 and April 17th, 2015 and to participate in a series of events that will provide fora of discussion and reflection on Latin American rich and diverse history. For more information, click the following links:




Congreso Internacional Interdisciplinario “Guamán Poma de Ayala: las travesías culturales”

Sede: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Perú), Octubre 15-17, 2014



Uno de los cronistas más valiosos de Nuestra América es don Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala con su obra Primer nueva coronica y buen gobierno. En ella nos muestra la enorme riqueza sociocultural andina cuya vigencia perdura. Por ello se ha constituido en una de las obras más estudiadas en el ámbito académico; precisamente, la densidad sociocultural de su texto es la que convoca en forma permanente nuevos estudios. Por esta razón, dos universidades latinoamericanas se proponen debatir los aportes a los estudios sobre Guaman Poma de Ayala y valorar la vigencia de su obra. En tal sentido, la Escuela Académico-Profesional de Literatura de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos – UNMSM (Lima, Perú) y el Posgrado Interdisciplinario en Estudios Latinoamericanos PPG-IELA de la Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana – UNILA (Iguazú, Brasil) invitan a participar a los investigadores y especialistas en el Primer Congreso Internacional Interdisciplinario Guaman Poma de Ayala: las Travesías Culturales.

  1. Objetivos
  • Propiciar el diálogo interdisciplinario de investigadores especializados en la obra de Guaman Poma de Ayala.
  • Intercambiar experiencias entre los investigadores que abordan los diversos aspectos de la obra de Guaman Poma de Ayala.
  •  Establecer un balance de los estudios sobre la obra de Guaman Poma de Ayala.
  • Estimular la participación de investigadores y estudiosos en proyectos e investigaciones interdisciplinarias y transdisciplinarias a nivel internacional.afiche - sin flechitas
  1. Sedes y fechas: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos – UNMSM (Lima, Perú, 15 al 17 de octubre de 2014) y Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana – UNILA (Iguazú, Brasil; 30 al 31 de octubre de 2014)
  1. Ejes temáticos
  • Guaman Poma y el mundo andino
  • Las crónicas andinas y los estudios coloniales
  • Guaman Poma y los estudios culturales
  • Guaman Poma y la crítica literaria
  • La cosmovisión andina ~ La mitología indígena
  • Los conflictos lingüísticos ~ El discurso poscolonial ~ Epistemologías del Sur
  • La iconografía política ~ Mestizaje lingüístico: el español y el quechua
  • Primer nueva coronica y buen gobierno como autobiografía
  • El mesianismo andino en Primer nueva coronica y buen gobierno
  • El arte visual de Guaman Poma

Los estudios deben estar vinculados a la obra de Guaman Poma de Ayala, los mismos que deben ser producto de investigaciones originales; reflexiones o pesquisas que se hacen como parte del área de estudios o un área de reflexión disciplinar universitaria acreditada por sus respectivas instituciones o centro de investigaciones.

  1. Recepción de sumillas

Las sumillas se recibirán hasta el 31 julio de 2014. Deben incluir título, nombre, filiación académica y  contar con un máximo de 400 palabras. Enviarlas a la siguiente dirección electrónica: eaplit@unmsm.edu.pe. Portal: http://literatura.edu.pe/

  1. Comité académico
  • Dr. Carlos García Bedoya-Maguiña (UNMSM) (Presidente)
  • Dr. Carlos Huamán López (UNAM)
  • Dr. Gonzalo Espino Relucé (UNMSM)
  • Dr. Ladislao Landa Vásquez (UNMSM)
  • Dr. Martín Lienhard (Universität Zürich)
  • Dra. Mercedes López-Baralt (Universidad de Puerto Rico)
  • Dra. Rolena Adorno (Yale University)
  • Dra. Yazmín López Lenci (UNILA)
  1. Comisión organizadora
  • Dr. Mauro Mamani Macedo (UNMSM) (Presidente)
  • Mg. Dorian Espezúa Salmón (UNMSM)
  • Lic. Elías Rengifo de la Cruz (UNMSM)
  • Dra. Janice Theodoro (USP)
  • Lic. Javier Morales Mena (UNMSM)
  • Lic. Jorge Terán Morveli (UNMSM)
  • Dr. Jorge Valenzuela Garcés (UNMSM)
  • Lic. Manuel Larrú Salazar (UNMSM)
  • Lic. María Luisa Roel Mendizabal (UNMSM)
  • Mg. Richard Leonardo Loayza (UNMSM)
  • Dr. Santiago López Maguiña (UNMSM)