2013 Inaugural Reception for LASA Colonial and Membership

Inaugural Reception for LASA Colonial

The Colonial Section will celebrate an inaugural reception in Washington, D.C., Friday, May 31, 7:30-9:00, during LASA2013. This event will be held in the Billiards Room at the legendary Cosmos Club, located one Metro stop away from the Marriott Wardman Park, the congress hotel. Wine and appetizers will be served. Those interested in attending should make their reservation by sending a check for $33 by March 15 to the following address: Latin American Studies Association, Attn: Sandy Klinzing, 416 Bellefied Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15250. Please write “Colonial Section Reception” in the memo line of your check. Also, please be aware that formal business attire will be required, as per the policies of the Cosmos Club.
A special thanks to Sara Castro-Klarén of John Hopkins University for her assistance in coordinating this event.

The Colonial Section on Facebook

Section members can now come together and share information on the LASA Colonial Section page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/lasacolonial). Thanks to Martín Oliver Carrión of the University of Idaho for administering this resource.

LASA Colonial Section: Founding Members (Feb 2013)

In alphabetical order:

Rolena Adorno, Yale University
Santa Arias, University of Kansas
Clara Bargellini, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Herman L. Bennett, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Amber E. Brian, University of Iowa
José Cárdenas Bunsen, Vanderbilt University
Magali M. Carrera, University of Massachusetts
Martín Carrión, University of Idaho
Luis H. Castañeda, Middlebury College
Sara Castro-Klarén, Johns Hopkins University
Raquel Chang-Rodríguez, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Valeria Coronel, FLACSO, Ecuador
Rocío Cortés, University of Wisconsin/Oshkosh
Carol Damian, Florida International University
Paula S. De Vos, San Diego State University
Jessica Delgado, Princeton University
Mónica Díaz, Georgia State University
Viviana Díaz Balsera, University of Miami
Alcira Dueñas, Ohio State University
Alejandro Enríquez, Illinois State University
Marie Escalante, University of Pennsylvania
José G. Espericueta, Indiana University
Christian Fernández-Palacios, Louisiana State University
Carmen María Fernández-Salvador Ayala, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Pablo García, West Virginia University
David T. Garrett, Reed College
Colonia/Colônia 1:1
February 2013, p. 3
Jeanne L. Gillespie, University of Southern Mississippi
Pablo F. Gómez, Texas Christian Univeristy
Karen B. Graubart, University of Notre Dame
Regina Harrison, University of Maryland, College Park
Carlos A. Jáuregui, University of Notre Dame
José R. Jouve Martín, McGill University
Leisa A. Kauffmann, Wayne State University
Elizabeth A. Kuznesof, University of Kansas
Gonzalo Lamana, University of Pittsburgh
Kris Lane, Tulane University
Brianna Leavitt-Alcántara, University of Cincinnati
Jongsoo Lee, University of North Texas
Dana Leibsohn, Smith College
Ann E. de León, University of Alberta
Isaías Lerner, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Constanza López Baquero, University of North Florida
George Lovell, Queen’s University, Canada
Victor L. Maqque, University of Notre Dame
Raul Marrero-Fente, University of Minnesota
Miguel Martínez, University of Chicago
María Elena Martínez, University of Southern California
Yolanda Martínez San Miguel, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Laura Matthew, Marquette University
Clayton McCarl, University of North Florida
Sean F. McEnroe, Southern Oregon University
Mariselle Meléndez, University of Illinois Urbana-Champlain
Karen Melvin, Bates College
Eyda Merediz, University of Maryland, College Park
Carmen Millán de Benavides, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Instituto PENSAR
Luis Millones, Colby College
Kenneth Mills, University of Toronto
Anna H. More, University of California/Los Angeles
Barbara E. Mundy, Fordham University
Kathleen Ann Myers, Indiana University
Paul Barrett Niell, Florida State University
Song No, Purdue University
Francisco A. Ortega, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Rachel S. O’Toole, University of California/Irvine
Elena Pellús Pérez, Yale University
Catherine Poupeney Hart, Université de Montréal
Bianca Premo, Florida International University
Alfonso Quiroz, Baruch College-The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Rocío Quispe-Agnoli, Michigan State University
Michele B. Reid-Vázquez, Georgia State University
Luis Fernando Restrepo, University of Arkansas
Sergio Rivera-Ayala, University of Waterloo
Alena L. Robin, The University of Western Ontario
Verónica Salles-Reese, Georgetown University
David A. Sartorius, University of Maryland
Kirsten Schultz, Seton Hall University
Stuart B. Schwartz, Yale University
Sylvia Sellers-García, Boston College
David M. Solodkow, Universidad de los Andes
Karen A. Stolley, Emory University
David Tavárez, Vassar College
John Tutino, Georgetown University
Gabrielle Vail, New College of Florida
Clara V. Valdano, University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign
Ivonne del Valle, University of California/Berkeley
Eric Van Young, University of California/San Diego
Consuelo Varela, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Seville
Alberto Villate Isaza, St. Olaf College
Juan M. Vitulli, University of Notre Dame
Lisa Voigt, Ohio State University
Charles F. Walker, University of California/Davis
Stephen Webre, Louisiana Tech University

LASA Colonial Section

The first issue of Colonia/Colônia, the newsletter of the Colonial Section of LASA, is available since February 2013.

The Colonial Section of the Latin American Studies Association was formed in the fall of 2012 by over 80 scholars in the United States and abroad. The Section seeks to be a forum where those who study the colonial period in Latin American can come together across disciplinary boundaries to share information, exchange ideas and increase the visibility of our work within both LASA and the academic community at large.
We invite all those who support this initiative to join LASA and the Colonial Section at http://lasa.international.pitt.edu. We also encourage scholars of the colonial world to contribute to this quarterly newsletter by sending calls for papers, publication announcements, news of interest and other materials to lasacolonial@gmail.com. The deadline for submissions to the May 2013 issue of Colonia/Colônia is April 15.